Let me preface this post by clarifying the fact that in any normal circumstance, trying to get Lil' Charlie to help bring in the groceries is like pulling teeth from from the head of someone who suffers from odontophobia.
Here is how my day started: Woke, drove Lil' Charlie to school in Zephyrhills, headed over to New Tampa Credit Union and Regions Bank, then back to Zephyrhills to finish Christmas & grocery shopping, and finally picked up Lil' Charlie at 11:30am from school and then headed back home.
When I pulled into his school, I made sure to cover all of his Christmas gifts with other grocery bags and such. Well, eight left and right turns later, we pull into the garage and Lil' Charlie jumps out of his seat and heads RIGHT FOR THE LEGO BIONICLE that I got him for Christmas. I blurt out "eh eh eh eh eh eh...WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" His eyes cut over to me and said, "Nothing."
Hmmmm. I wasn't convinced, but gave him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he didn't see it. Ha.
When Lil' Charlie got into the house, I dropped my first load of groceries and headed back to the garage. Normally, he would already have the remote in-hand and Spongebob on-screen. Today was different. He followed me back out to the garage and insisted on helping me carry in the "light" bags. When I told him I didn't have any light bags today, he went back inside and waited for me, and then followed me out for my third trip...again, insisting to help me carry in groceries.
OK, the cliche, "Who are you and what have you done with my son" came to mind, but then I remembered the Bionicle that he may have seen. So, I mentioned that I had bought Sierra some Christmas gifts and told him that I would have to close my bedroom door to wrap them. He asked if he could hide in my room, on my bed, under the blanket... while I wrapped Sierra's gifts.
Busted. Just to clarify...I asked him if he had seen anything interesting in the car (3 times, altogether) ...and he said no...each time.
Here is a little how the conversation went:
Lil Charlie: Mama - Can I hide under the blanket on your bed while you wrap Sierra's presents?
Mama: No, why?
Lil Charlie: I dunno...I won't peek. Then I'll stay here while you wrap mine.
Mama: (a-Ha! ) So, Charlie, did you see something interesting in my car?
Lil Charlie: Nope.
Mama: Are you sure? You didn't see anything in my car??
Lil Charlie: Nope. I promise I won't peek. You can wrap Sissy's then mine.
Mama: But I didn't buy you anything.
Lil Charlie: (eerie, awkward silence....considering his options, I would assume.)
Mama: So, no - you can't stay in here either way. I didn't buy you anything anyways, but I don't want you to see Sierra's gifts because you'll tell her.
Lil Charlie: No I won't... I won't remember what you get her, I PROMISE!! And if I see my present, I won't remember THAT EITHER...
Mama: (Silence...waiting for my last statements to sink into his little brain..........................wait for it.......................)
Lil Charlie: WHAT???? You didn't buy ME anything???
Mama: Nope. (Clearly, I knew that he had seen the Bionicle by this point.)
Lil Charlie: But who is the BIONICLE for???
Mama: (Head cocked to the side, reflecting a "sarcastically confused, smug "you're busted" poker face" look.) "Really?"
Lil Charlie: (deep breath out as he scrambled for an answer.) But I didn't SEE the Bionicle...just the "B - I - O - N"
Lil Charlie: (Silence again....Check Mate. He'd been had, and he knew it. His mother is so smart...you would think that he would be used to it by now.) His left eye squinted a little as the wheels started churning in his little head.
Well, needless to say, I had to nip this little lying-thing in the bud. This is the 5th time in a month that he has blatantly lied straight to my face...without blinking, batting an eye or looking away. Scary, really... so I sent him to his room for 5 minutes. He knows what a lie is. He can define it and give you an example of someone who is telling a lie, and yet he continues to do it.
If you have any experience or guidance in this department, please share...I'm at my wit's end!!
Love, Mom.
Hot sauce works well!!!!! But is considered child abuse in the state of Florida.............It will definitely make a lasting impression and most likely he will think twice before speaking the lie :) :)
ReplyDeletethis is normal for his age! Trust me.. I have 16 of them monday thru friday... you can lie at me w/out any care in the world. We just have to remind them that a lie is not a good thing. Charlie is a funny and sweet little guy! You and your husband have done a great job with him and I enjoy having him in my class! :)
ReplyDelete*who can lie to me.. sorry about the typos! It has been a long day! lol