Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wedding is Back On

I am happy to announce that Lil' Charlie's Pre-K Engagement to Jessica is back on. She kissed him 4 times today and told her teachers, "Um, excuse me. You know what? I LOVE Charlie. I'm going to marry him."

Stand by for updates of all of the juicy details.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Knock-Knock.......Who's There?.......Joe.......Joe Who?..........Joe Mama...Bahaahahahahaha

Two days after listening to his Sissy and Daddy have a 30 minute long "What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs...." joke-fest, we're in the car driving around town and he decides to try out his own version of the joke. Here's how it went down:

Lil Charlie: "Hey Mama..."
Mama: "Yes Charlie?"
Lil Charlie: "What do you call a guy with no legs who is floating in the pool?"
Mama: (thinking to myself, should I correct it, or just let it go???), "What?" (Giving him the opportunity to correct himself...)
Lil Charlie: "What do you call a guy with no legs who is floating in the pool?"
Mama: "Don't you mean 'a guy with no arms and no legs?'"
Lil Charlie: "No, I said a guy with no legs."
Mama: "Ok...sorry - go ahead"
Lil Charlie: "What do you call a guy with no legs who is floating in the pool?"
Mama: "I don't know...what?"
Lil Charlie: "Bob"
Mama: "I thought it was a guy with no arms AND no legs."
Lil Charlie: "No, Mama. This is 'Bob' from Monsters and Aliens. He has arms.....just no legs."
Mama: I busted out laughing. Not because I felt bad for him, but because I knew that he had spent 2 days thinking that one up, and it was pretty good.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Baseball vs. Theater Classes .... Mom made a bad choice.

By the way - There was never a ball withing 30 feet of him.

If he was looking up, it was just into the night sky.
If he was looking to the left, it was just at his coach.
If he had a glove on his head, he was just being "Charlie."